1st Virtual International Symposium on Health Sciences

Dua Dosen STIKES Panakkukang (Mikawati, SKp.,M.Kes dan Ns. Apryadno Jose Al Freadman Koa, S.Kep.,MSN) Mengikuti 1st Virtual International Symposium on Health Sciences yang diadakan oleh Universitas Jenderal Soedirma Sebagai Oral Presenter dengan mempersentasikan hasil penelitian bersama antar program studi yang dilakukan di Masa Pandemik Covid-19 di lingkup STIKES Panakkukang Makssar (Mikawati, SKp.,M.Kes (Prodi S1 Keperawatan) Ns. Apryadno Jose Al Freadman Koa, S.Kep.,MSN (Prodi D3 Keperawatan) dan Ns. Muaningsih, S.Kep.,M.Kep.,Sp.Kep.Mat (Prodi Ners)) dengan Topik Penelitian: Analysis and Evaluation Medical students’ perceptions of their learning environment during the Covid-19 Pandemic at School of Health Science Panakkukang Makassar in Indonesia.
ISHS is a biannual symposium that covers updates and research in health sciences field including nursing, pharmacy, nutrition, public health and physical education. This symposium catalyze knowledge and experience among scientist, educator, clinician, student, and policy maker.
- Ministry of Health, Republic Indonesia
- Prof. Dr. Budi Anna Keliat, S.Kp., M.AppSc (University of Indonesia)n- title: Community empowerment in mental health and psychosocial toward the Covid-19 pandemic
- Dr. Ridlwan Kamaluddin, S.Kep., Ns,M.Kep (Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Indonesia) - title: University’s social responsibility during the Covid-19 pandemic
- Dr. Jerry V Manlapaz (Dean of Emilio Aguinaldo College of Nursing, Philippines), theme: Nursing education response to the changes of nursing care after the covid-19 pandemic
- Dr. Holly Blake, CPsychol SFHEA (University of Nottingham, UK), title: Psychological well being in health care workers - impacts of COVID19 and strategies for psychological support.
- Assistant Professor Chen, Yen-Chin (National Cheng Khung University, Taiwan) title: Innovation in Nursing Technology related Covid-19 Pandemic
- The State University of New York, USA, theme: Challenges in Pediatric nursing care after the Covid-19 pandemic.
- Maternity nursing
- Pediatric nursing
- Medical and surgical nursing
- Emergency, intensive and critical care nursing
- Nursing education
- Mental health nursing
- Community, family health and gerontological nursing
- Nursing management
- Public health
- Pharmacy
- Biomedical sciences
- Nutrition and functional food
- Sport science